- November 25, 2017
- Posted by: web-editor
- Category: Digital Marketing, Web Development

Reasons why you need a Website Redesigning
Website redesigning, your website is the face to your brand personality, reputation and how customers identify you. It’s important to keep your brand identity up to date with the latest technology update.
Do you remember when did you revamped or launched your website. In majority of the cases small businesses do their website in their starting stage and they never pay attention to update the same with the latest technology or changes in their business objective.
Whether it’s to keep up with new technology, make adjustments to the products and services you are offering or simply to boost your SEO marketing results; a revamp is important to maintaining a encouraging, strong online presence. If you’re unsure whether your site is now outdated, below you’ll discover some of the top signs that a revamp is long overdue.
Is your website Mobile Friendly?
Smart phones made mobile friendly/optimised websites an absolute essential, in common we call it as responsive web design. A responsive web design ensures a proper and friendly view for your website across mobiles, tabs etc. It’s important because if you check your analytics you can see a high number of mobile visitors, some times higher than desktop sessions. So if the answer is no its high time for you to think about a website revamp.
A change in Branding, a change in strategy, a change in product/service you offer
Have you changed the direction of your business or you are planning to go to a next level with a new branding strategy, implementing digital marketing strategy or added new products or service area. If so, now is the perfect time to redesign your site and highlight what’s new. You need to make sure your site perfectly captures your business and what it stands for. So if any changes have been made, it is vital you reflect this in your websites design.
When needed, website redesign provides all kinds of benefits for your business. Not only does it ensure you are keeping up with the latest design trends and technology, but it also gives you the opportunity to grow your business by implementing new age website strategies that could consistently increase your online presence.
I’m fed up with updating this old scrap Website
Revamp your website if you can’t make small changes in your own website, it might be time to upgrade your website to a powerful content management system like WordPress. With WordPress, you can easily update your own website with a small learning curve.
Besides for being user friendly, WordPress is the most used website CMS platform in the world. The best tool to consider for a website redesigning.
Compatibility Issues with Modern Browsers
An efficient website will be compatible with all of the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari. It should never be solely focused on one when your revamp your website. Consumers today use a wide variety of browsers to search for local businesses. So if you’re only focusing on say internet Explorer, you could be missing out on a lot of visitors using Firefox and Chrome. You can test out how well your website performs on every major browser before deciding whether it needs an upgrade.
My website is looking old and out dated
If you are feeling like your website looks old, chances are that your customers feel it worst.
Time to implement changes and some new functions, update the images and content and improve the layout according to latest web design best practices and new technologies.
If you are still in a dilemma, you are losing your opportunities and deals.
A conclusion: Why you need a Website Redesigning ?
Digital marketing like Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing, etc. has become one of the most cost efficient ways to generate new leads for your business. Investing in a good website and a digital marketing plan to drive people to the website will definitely pay ROI in the long run. Your website is an asset, an educator and a reach point with your client.
If you need any more consultation and a website redesign proposal feel free to contact Gligx – a web design and digital marketing Dubai company.